Get in touch

029 20 623 444

The group is open to all parishioners and friends who are willing to knit or crotchet, including at home. We still need completed knitted squares. These can be dropped into the Suggestion box at the back of both Churches and these will be put together by the group.

Donations of any spare wool and fleecy blankets are still welcome! The blankets are for the Reaching Out Project in partnership with the St. Vincent’s Centre, Ely. If you cannot knit or crotchet but would like to donate a fleecy child’s or a larger-sized adult’s blanket, these are available in Asda, B&M, and other supermarkets at a reasonable cost, or on sale! For any queries, please call Carole – 07747 562847.

Don't worry if you cannot knit or crotchet; just join us for a cuppa and a natter. All are welcome.

Knit and Natter

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